Saturday, September 8, 2012

What are you?

Every night and every morning I say these words silently to myself:

I am rich
I am prosperous
I am abundant
I am healthy
I am happy
I am love

Every night these are the words I fall asleep to, these are the thoughts I give my subconscious mind to work on while I sleep.

Every morning, these are the words I use to start my day with the right attitude.

I’m writing a book called “Feed Your Angel” because for years I never saw myself this way.  I saw myself as poor, unhappy, unhealthy, angry and insecure.  I need to put supportive thoughts into my mind on a daily basis or the negative mind stream finds its way back to my subconscious.

There are many books that speak to the power of using the words “I AM”.  Be very careful what you program yourself to believe you are.  Using the phrase “I AM” followed by all the things you wish to see in your life every morning and evening gives you 730 opportunities per year to program your subconscious properly.  Your subconscious mind will begin to act on those beliefs.

When you use the term “I AM”, believe that whatever you say after it is true for you.  See that feeling or emotion as being who you are.  When you say “I am love”, see and feel what that means for your life.

Personally, I use “I am love” because I can have trouble controlling my anger at times.  When there’s a lot of stress and I feel pushed or things aren’t going exactly how I want them to I can get frustrated and angry.  You can tell what’s inside a person when they’re squeezed and too often anger is what I see in myself.  I want to replace that with love.  So, 730 times a year (at least) I tell myself “I am love”, “I am love”, “I am love”… and I see myself mentally responding differently to these situations.  You can’t put that much positive energy into your mind without seeing a positive impact on your life.

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