Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Fear and Doubt

Why are we so scared to follow our dreams and so willing to follow the herd into a workforce destined to suck the passion from our hearts?

Dreams are scary. They usually involve putting yourself out there in some capacity and being very vulnerable on a personal or financial level, and often both.

The herd will try dragging you down at first, you might encounter a LOT of negative feedback reinforcing the idea that following your dreams is foolish.

So, where did the dream come from? Aren't dreams and passions God’s way of directing us to where our joy is? Would God put inspiration in our hearts looking for us to ignore it so that we can work a job we hate to pay bills for things we could live without?

Maybe, just MAYBE - if we could suspend our fear, if we could overlook our doubts and just start to get in touch with that part of the soul where passion and inspiration resides, the Universe would conspire to help us. Everything would fall into place.

Why so much fear? Why do we doubt ourselves? Where does fear and doubt come from?

There is light and there is darkness. There are angels and there are demons. Fear and doubt stop more dreams and create more unhappiness than any other emotions I can think of. I see them as dark and demonic. Self talk controlled from such a place will always pull you down.

My hope is that you’re reading this and can’t relate to any of it so far because you followed your passions and dreams your entire life and are living unencumbered by fear and doubt. Are you? If not, why? Aren’t you in control of your own choices? 

Get in touch with your passions. Find what moves your heart, where inspiration lies deep within your soul. It might be buried so deep that you’ll have to do extensive digging to find it. But it’s there. It’s there for all of us. And it’s there for a reason. Dig the passion from your soul and start moving toward the light. The only thing stopping you is your own belief that you can’t.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Don't fight where you're led

Sometimes in life we are led in a direction that takes on a life of it’s own before we even have a clue what’s happening.  Years later we look back and see how everything unfolded and if just one piece of the puzzle was one iota different then everything would have changed.  But it didn’t.  It unfolded the way it did for a reason.  We either accepted life’s pull and went along with the feeling of our heart, or we fought it every step of the way.  Fighting your dreams leads to “if onlys” and “what ifs”… that’s how you’ll be able to tell if you followed the path God laid out for you.  Don’t fight your dharma. 

Feed your angel…  FEED YOUR ANGEL!

Life gives us choices.  If we follow what our heart yearns for, if we can get in touch with our passions and let our souls be the guide - without letting the ego’s incessant chatter about all the reasons we can’t do anything hold us back - and we grab hold of those dreams and advance in that direction… that’s when miracles happen.  That’s where passion resides in the soul of every human.  That’s where the future you dream of will become your reality.

There’s a reason this book isn’t called “Fight Your Demon”.  When we fight something we’ve already lost.  When given the choice of reacting with fear or acting with love, choose love.  Stand up for what is right for yourself, for your family, for the world.  There’s no fighting in that.  There’s no fear.  There’s no anger.  If love is all we’re seeking, why not spend more time advancing in the direction of love?

You were given passion at birth.  Do you remember?  What are you passionate about?  Do you know?  Get in touch with your passions.  Begin to follow your heart.  Don’t deny this, don’t fight what the Universe has given you as your “life pull”.

There is something burning in your heart.  There is a passion longing for release.  You have an ego that will fight you on this and tell you why you can’t get in touch with this loving, unconditional spirit that lives inside us all.

Don’t fight where you’re led!

If you knew, really KNEW, that God put you on earth for a specific reason and that you’re only mission in life was to get in touch with your passions and follow your heart to achieve everything you ever desired, would you follow your heart?  Or would you fight it every step of the way and deny yourself?

Life pulls us in the direction of our dreams.  Learn to be led by your passions.  Get out of your way.  Dreams become realities through belief.  Find your dreams, get back in touch with your passions – that driving force within you that creates burning desire.  Suspend your disbelief in what is possible and follow your heart.  Miracles are made when dreams meet belief.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

What took me so long?

I’m writing today as the “special preview edition” of FEED YOUR ANGEL will be shipped to me in three days.  I am also scheduled to go to Denver next weekend for a writer’s seminar.  This past month I’m actually beginning to SEE it, to FEEL like a writer.  I’ve been working on the cover and interior design for the preview edition and on Tuesday I’ll hold them in my hands.  NOT the full book, but sixteen chapters, fifty-four pages and a dream of mine as long as I can remember.  What a great, great feeling that will be.

As I think about that moment I can’t help but wonder… what took me so long?  If I’ve wanted to write since I was in elementary school, why haven’t I been writing all along?  What is it that took fifty three years to get here?  Probably a combination of several things:

  • I HAD OTHER PRIORITIES – As I grew up, I also became interested in music.  By the time I was a teenager, I could see myself as a “rock star”, and visualizing myself as an author took a back seat.

  • CONFIDENCE – Because I wasn’t writing very much my confidence level to be able to do an entire book wasn’t all that great.  It seemed like a daunting, time consuming task.

  • DESIRE – I didn’t have a particular idea that resonated within me and made me WANT to pick up a notepad and start writing.  Once I came up with the FEED YOUR ANGEL idea and started writing an amazing series of events began to take place that led me to this time and place where dreams are becoming reality.

I could probably list many other reasons, but these are the three biggies that come to mind first.

Today, I woke up at 4:30am… on a Saturday.  One of the few days where I could have slept in.  But my mind was racing with all the things I wanted to get done for the book and it’s associated websites.  Isn’t this the way life was meant to be?  So excited for the day because it’s filled doing what you love?

I’m starting to SEE and FEEL like an author.  I’m excited to start looking for speaking engagements when I get back from Denver.  Instead of wondering why it took me so long to actually write a book, I know that this publication wasn’t ready to be presented until now, and I’m just the channel it chose.  The book is writing itself, I needed the time to prepare to receive it.  I needed to meet people who thought it was a good idea.  I needed to meet people who knew I could do this before I knew it myself.

When the book is ready, the author appears.