Sunday, January 22, 2012

Mind/Body Awareness

Any discussion on feeding our mind the proper nutrition would be remiss without discussing the mind/body connection. Take a look in the mirror… REALLY take a look and be honest. Do you like what you see? If you do, that’s great! Well done! What follows will help you retain that feeling indefinitely. If you DON’T like what you see, why not? Flabby, fat, wrinkly, frown lines, age spots, most people are extremely self-critical. Many of us have health problems directly related to how we’ve taken care of ourselves up to this point. What are the chances an overweight, sick person taking medication to treat the symptoms of poor nutrition can maintain a positive mental attitude? Very slim. If you’re unhappy with your physical body, we need to examine the thought patterns that got you here.

Food can be one of those things in life that just slips into auto-pilot at some point. We find foods we like, things that can fit into our schedules (fast food) in many cases, and never think too much about what we’re doing to our bodies until it becomes blatantly obvious there’s a problem. Once we’re physically sluggish our minds tend to follow. It’s a great place for demons to creep into our thought patterns with demoralizing thoughts about how we look. Those thoughts lead to guilt and fear which can cause more overeating and a vicious cycle is formed that continues until at some point a bottom is hit. When you’re at a low point in life always remember that every defeat brings with it the seeds of an equal or greater accomplishment! Our biggest weaknesses can become our strengths in life by changing our thoughts. Thoughts can be changed in an instant!

For those of you unhappy with yourself physically – what got you here? Answering this question might take some time, but it usually boils down to thoughts in some form – thoughts about food, about yourself, about priorities… or possibly it can be looked at as LACK of thought in these areas. Auto-pilot… drifting… Maybe even knowing that you have poor nutritional habits but failing to allow yourself to look at them. The only way to change your life is to change your thoughts. Here are the steps to take if you feel negative emotions about your body and/or nutritional habits:

STEP 1: Become aware that there is a problem and develop a burning desire to change. Without a serious burning desire in your heart what you have is a “whim” to change. NOT GOOD ENOUGH! You will only be able to change when you have a serious desire to do so. Do you? It has to become an obsession. “I will get healthy” has to absolutely take over your thoughts. Ask for help from the Universe, connect with God and have some faith that once you start moving in the direction of your dreams NOTHING can stop you. Desire alone isn’t enough, though. You need a SERIOUS, BURNING DESIRE packed with emotions to make any positive long term changes here.

STEP 2: Advance confidently in the direction of your dreams. Watch your thought pattern closely here. Demons never give up control without a fight. When thoughts start creeping in like, “I’ve done pretty well this week, I can eat a large pizza by myself as a reward”, catch yourself right then and realize that’s the OLD you talking. Thank the subconscious mind for sharing and remind it that we are no longer thinking that way.

Moving forward here means making some changes. Your thoughts and attitudes regarding food need to change. Start looking at what you eat, when you eat, if and when you exercise, and do some research on what changes you can make to become healthier. There are many different ways to go about this, but in the end most revolve around “eat right and exercise”. Start doing things that make you feel GOOD about your health, such as:

• Take nutritional supplements/vitamins. Learn about what supplements would benefit you. The act of taking vitamins every day says to yourself and the Universe that you care enough to take precautionary measures.

• Learn portion control and what foods are good for you, which foods need to be cut down or wiped out completely. Start to watch portions and calories. Remember, this is a BURNING DESIRE, an OBSESSION to change. Read and watch everything you can about nutrition and follow your heart – it will find the best plan for you.

• Start an exercise program. This can be as simple as going for a walk every day at first. What matters is that you START. While you’re exercising FEEL the emotion of doing something good for your body. Give yourself all the credit you can as often as you can – replacing the thought patterns is as important as changing the physical activities. FEEDING YOUR ANGEL positive mental thoughts about what you’re doing is critical here! The balance of power needs to shift!

Demons and angels… Good vs. evil… We all struggle with decisions in life. Demons don’t usually take control because you wanted them too. They look for areas of weakness and take control because we have a tendency to drift through life without self analyzing what we’re doing very often. If demons have been controlling your thoughts and actions regarding nutrition take the steps TODAY to change. Develop an obsession to change, make it a burning desire, then do something every day to FEED YOUR ANGEL regarding physical health. Your future physical being will reflect your thoughts and actions starting TODAY. Stop drifting and start living! You absolutely can do this!

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