What are the first things that come to mind when I ask the
question “If you could change three things in your life, what would they be?”
Mine are: meditate daily, run two times a week (in addition
to what I’m already doing), declutter.
Next question is: “Why aren’t you doing these three things
The number one answer has to be because these things
(whatever they are for you) aren’t really a priority in your life. Whatever you are currently doing with that
time you’re placing more value on than actually making these changes, whether
consciously or unconsciously. In most
cases we’d answer the above question by saying “I don’t have the time”. What we really mean is “I have other things I
view as more important”.
The older I get the more I realize that I need to start
controlling the minutes of my life, policing them with more care. I’m not someone who really beats myself up
over spending time watching TV or using Facebook at all, I really enjoy both of
those activities a lot. There’s
something to be said for just kicking back and relaxing online or by watching
TV, movies, gaming, whatever it is for you.
But the idea that I don’t have time to meditate daily when I spend two
hours online and/or watching TV, well… I did have the time. I just didn’t use it.
I spoke a while back about trying to write ten minutes a
day, which I’ve so far been sporadic on at best. I’ve been tracking that, as well as other
daily goals (meditate daily, listen to one ‘feel good’ song, get eight hours of
sleep, etc) at www.tdp.me , which I really
enjoy. At least it has me think once or
twice a day about maybe doing the things I’ve listed as important to me.
Which leads me to today… I’ve got my writing in for
today. I plan on meditating today. How would my life change if I really looked
at how I spend my time and listened to my own inner voice regarding what’s
really important, then made changes accordingly? Too often we go on autopilot and let the only
moments we have, which is now, get eaten by activities that don’t serve
us. I do think we need time for mindless
entertainment – internet and TV are two of my biggies – but, how much time? What if we just took an hour a day to focus
on something else we truly wished we had the time for? Or thirty minutes? It could transform our lives in ways we’d
never know… unless we actually did them.
So, I’ll ask you again: “Why aren’t you doing these things
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