Dreams are scary. They usually involve putting yourself out there in some capacity and being very vulnerable on a personal or financial level, and often both.
The herd will try dragging you down at first, you might encounter a LOT of negative feedback reinforcing the idea that following your dreams is foolish.
So, where did the dream come from? Aren't dreams and passions God’s way of directing us to where our joy is? Would God put inspiration in our hearts looking for us to ignore it so that we can work a job we hate to pay bills for things we could live without?
Maybe, just MAYBE - if we could suspend our fear, if we could overlook our doubts and just start to get in touch with that part of the soul where passion and inspiration resides, the Universe would conspire to help us. Everything would fall into place.
Why so much fear? Why do we doubt ourselves? Where does fear and doubt come from?
There is light and there is darkness. There are angels and there are demons. Fear and doubt stop more dreams and create more unhappiness than any other emotions I can think of. I see them as dark and demonic. Self talk controlled from such a place will always pull you down.
My hope is that you’re reading this and can’t relate to any of it so far because you followed your passions and dreams your entire life and are living unencumbered by fear and doubt. Are you? If not, why? Aren’t you in control of your own choices?
My hope is that you’re reading this and can’t relate to any of it so far because you followed your passions and dreams your entire life and are living unencumbered by fear and doubt. Are you? If not, why? Aren’t you in control of your own choices?
Get in touch with your passions. Find what moves your heart, where inspiration lies deep within your soul. It might be buried so deep that you’ll have to do extensive digging to find it. But it’s there. It’s there for all of us. And it’s there for a reason. Dig the passion from your soul and start moving toward the light. The only thing stopping you is your own belief that you can’t.