If it is true that we become what we think about, (and I
believe it is), then what is your vision of the future? Do you have one? If your vision of the future looks pretty
much like where you’re at now, guess what?
You’re living your future life already.
If you have no concept of what you want your future to look like, then
by default it will look very similar to the life you’re currently leading. There’s nothing inherently wrong with this
unless your current situation is something you’d like to improve upon.
If you’re looking to make a change in any area of your life,
it’s important that you are able to visualize your life as it will be after
making the change. Get in touch with the
feelings and emotions associated with having made the change. You have to internalize the end and believe
it for yourself for any change to occur.
Then start acting from that belief… NOW!
When you see a future for yourself and truly believe this is how things
will work out, then start acting on that faith, the change is inevitable.
Belief and faith are integral parts of this equation,
though. If you wish to make a change,
but internally keep telling yourself it can’t be done it will be pretty hard to
succeed. Change will occur when you have
a burning desire to live the life you imagine for yourself and fuel it with the
belief it CAN be done. Faith that you
can do it will come from within once you have the outcome in mind and belief
that it is possible for you.
Visualize success.
Believe it for yourself. Act on
that belief with the end in mind. Have
faith. This is the formula for creating
miracles in your life. Anything you want
to change can be changed the instant you decide to act with a new future in
FEED YOUR ANGEL every day.
Tell yourself why you CAN do things.
Don’t listen to the opinions of anyone trying to keep you down. Your entire life is thought. Do you like what you’ve created so far? Great!
What you see and believe for your future is what you’ll get… spend some
time creating the future you desire.